The Region
Palmela / Azeitão / Troia / Sesimbra
The Region (Palmela, Azeitão, Troia and Sesimbra)
After the vast Tagus estuary, heading south, there lies a series of elevations that draw a unique natural scenery.
According to Orlando Ribeiro(*), “It is the Arrábida mountain range, a small mountainous region situated in the southern part of the Setúbal peninsula; limited to the south and west by the ocean, confined to the north and east by the low and sandy lands that occupy the greater part of that peninsula.”
Blessed by the geographic conditions, the whole region is rich in varied natural products that have long exceeded local consumption, reaching national and international markets, namely Moscatel and the Azeitão cheese.
(*) – Orlando Ribeiro, “ A Arrábida – Esboço Geográfico”, Revista da Faculdade de Letras, Lisboa,1937.

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