The House
The Owners Family
The Owners Family
Honorato Gomes Guerreiro (26/11/1883 – 22/02/1973) a native of Santa Luzia, Ourique, settled in Setúbal at a young age.
Thanks to his work and entrepreneurship he was able to become a respected trader in the city.
Closely related to the branch of confectionery and pastry, he founded Confeitaria Alentejana with its own production, between the 1930s and 40s.
In 1931, Honorato wed Hortense Martins Baptista (05/20/1912 – 15/03/1941) a São Sebastião, Setúbal native.
Their daughter, Maria do Carmo Martins Guerreiro, was born September 23, 1932, on the first floor of the house located on Rua Álvaro Castelões, no 49.
(*) – The Factory, located in Rua Álvaro Luz no 33, produced all kinds of sweets and liqueurs, including the famous Doce de Laranja (orange sweetmeat), a Setúbal specialty. He provided snacks, weddings and christenings. The confectionery was located in Rua Álvaro Castelões, no 11.
1ª Sonata - Andantino Minuetto

Young Maria do Carmo, July 8th, 1934 Foto Figueiredo, Rua Serpa Pinto no 30, Setúbal. Private Collection

Honorato Gomes Guerreiro, no date. Photo Cabecinha, Setúbal.
Private Collection

Hortense Martins Baptista – 1929,
Foto Moderna. Manoel Aldegalega, Setúbal. Private Collection
Deed of the sale of the house (*) made by Jorge Fernandes Gomes and his wife Eliane Gomes, residing in São Paulo, Brazil, to Elias Lopes Gustavo. On this date the property was already a shop, encompassing the first and second floor, with access through Rua das Esteiras (present day Rua Dr. Estevão de Vasconcelos)
(*) – Former Rua dos Caldeireiros, current Rua Álvaro Castelões nº 49
The house was mortgaged by Elias Lopes Gustavo
August 2nd, 1931
Honorato Gomes Guerreiro and Hortense Martins Baptista marry
Menina Maria do Carmo – 8 de Julho de 1934 – Foto Figueiredo, Rua Serpa Pinto, nº 30, Setúbal. Colecção Particular
April 27th, 1932
Honorato Gomes Guerreiro cancelled the mortgage and acquires the property that would become his residence on the first and second floors until 1937. The bedrooms were located on the first floor, as well as other rooms, and on the second floor were located the living room and kitchen in addition to other chambers. The house functioned as a type of 1930s duplex (*).
(*) – Maria do Carmo Martins Guerreiro (1932-2000) wed Sérgio Boaventura Gonçalves Mendes (1921-2005) in 1952. They had three children: Isabel (born in 1953); José Alberto (1955-2016); and Ana Paula (born in 1958)
September 23rd, 1932
Maria do Carmo Martins Guerreiro is born on the first floor of the house
June 22nd, 1949
Establishment of Honorato Gomes Guerreiro Lda between Honorato Gomes Guerreiro, Alfredo Figueiredo da Silva and António Gomes Guerreiro, regarding Confeitaria Alentejana (factory and pastry shop)
1950/60s and following decades
According to carried out research, the first floor was rented for housing and the second floor for services; both had different tenants over the years.
The ground floor has been rented out to a perfumery, still in business.
Pastry shop wrapping paper/Pastelaria Alentejana, 1950/60s. Private Collection
Star anise label and bottle, 1950s,
Fábrica Alentejana. Private Collection
Invoice from Fábrica Alentejana,1968, Private Collection
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Rua Álvaro Castelões, 49 - 1º e 2º
2900-215 Setúbal
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